The message that Jesus taught during his ministry is an active and revolutionary call to action for the human race.
It's not a mystical or mysterious process of transformation that he calls us to, but a practical and real one. It's not a call to medtate on our Vella buttons and dive deep into ourselves.
Instead, Jesus calls us to literally deny ourselves, to do good, to become more holy people, to act in righteousness, and to serve others first.
Jesus calls us to achieve, to go the extra mile, to act, to work, to become better people, to seek out the truth, to be humble, to worship and praise our God, and to love others.
Doing good on behalf of others stands at the very core of the Gospel Jesus preached.
Jesus is our model and example. God chose and sent Jesus out into the world to show us by word and deed how we should live Godly lives: To feed the hungry, clothe the naked, house the homeless, comfort those in distress - these things are to be our mission in life, according to Jesus.
To be transformed by Jesus to be called to action by him, and to heed that call. His example, his message, his Gospel, is what transforms our lives and the lives of those around us. We rely on the example of Jesus and the ongoing inspiration and assistance of God's Spirit to transform us and make our lives spiritually complete.
We are transformed by Jesus only when we go from inactive self-assurance to active service of others.
We are transformed by Jesus when we actively love God and demonstrate that love by actively serving and loving our neighbors just as we love ourselves, as God's anointed one taught us to do.
If we call ourselves by his name, we ought to walk as he himself walked, becoming in our daily lives the very model of his righteousness in all that we do. Let us allow our acts shine like a light in a world desperate for our example.
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